White-tailed Kite
ArtFORM, Normal Heights, San Diego, California, 2017

The White-tailed Kite was nearly driven to extinction in California in the 1930’s and 40’s due to hunting and egg collection, but with the help of wildlife conservation efforts its population has increased and its North American range has spread from California, Texas and Florida to include Washington and Oregon.
This mosaic sculpture is a tribute to conservation efforts, reminding us that together we can beat the odds!
Get involved by donating or volunteering with San Diego River Parks Foundation, and help ensure the future success of conservation efforts.
This sculpture was made possible by Art FORM (Found Objects Recycled Materials), a local nonprofit educating students in art and environmental stewardship through creative reuse. Thanks also to the helping hands of Normal Heights Elementary 1st Grade classes of 2017-18 for their work placing individual mosaic pieces.