Mama and Baby Giraffe
Permaculture Ranch, Ramona, CA, 2022

There are four distinct species of giraffe. Two subspecies: Kordofan and Nubian are critically endangered with only 2,000 and 2,645 remaining. Poaching and habitat loss continue to threaten giraffes at an alarming rate.
Giraffes are the world’s tallest mammals and like human fingerprints, no two giraffes have the same coat pattern.
Giraffes are already extinct in at least seven countries in Africa.
Herbivores like giraffes are necessary for keeping Acacia tree populations healthy and thriving. Grazing on the Acacia leaves causes the trees to produce more nectar which feeds the many varieties of ant that protect the tree from other insects. When nectar is low, the balance is thrown off and the tree becomes vulnerable to wood-boring insects. Large herbivores are crucial to keeping the savannah whole.